A glimpse into the minds of the Positioning Pioneers

Posts By Laura Ries

  • Does Sex Sell?

    From Miller’s catfight to Carl’s Jr.’s Hilton wash down to Hardee’s teacher dance to the Folsom Street Fair’s sadomasochistic last supper there is an...

  • Apple’s Golden Goose

    Jobs makes surprise cuts Less than 3 months after the most hyped product introduction of our time, Steve Jobs shocked the world when he...

  • If we can’t beat ’em, we’ll join ’em and other bad ideas

    Some branding strategies are just plain crazy. Two crazy strategies that are making the rounds in boardrooms across the county are: If we can’t...

  • Viral Marketing

    The premise of viral marketing is that people will enjoy an advertisement so much they will not only watch it but be willing to...

  • Rethink your brand Saturn

    “Rethink excess, Rethink American.” This is the big idea from Saturn’s new advertising agency Deutsch. Rethink excess? America is all about excess. From huge...

  • Hellmann’s Gets Real

    What do you do when the world seems obsessed with dieting, fat and calories? When every product is promoting it is low-fat, fat-free, low-carb,...

  • Tiger is the man, but still gets canned

    Tiger Woods is the man. As an athlete, a role-model and an endorser, nobody can come close to his perfection. Tiger is young, articulate,...

  • Hello, can you hear me now?

    The only other PR event that even compares to the iPhone circus was Harry Potter. But unlike iPhone, Potter delivered on its hype, selling...

  • iPhone sales disappoint, despite hype

    For a product dubbed the Jesus-phone, which received more pre-launch hype than any other product in history, it looks like a major miracle might...

  • But what about …?

    Branding is both an art and a science. The laws of branding are not like the law of gravity. The laws of branding work...

  • Branding boundaries

    Understanding the boundaries of your brand. What you can or cannot do and what you should or should not do with your brand when...

  • Celebrity Endorsements

    Celebrity endorsements remain a popular tool for marketers. But too many times brands use the wrong celebrities. Tiger Woods endorsing the Buick brand makes...

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