I’ve written about the superiority of visuals over verbals. And my daughter Laura Ries has written a book on the subject, Visual Hammer. But...
Twenty-seven million Americans of working age (or 14 percent of the population) are starting or running new businesses. How many of these entrepreneurs are...
Plenty. Yet most political consultants think differently. Most think the best way to win an election is to bad-mouth your opponent. The advertising industry...
We live in a world of words. Our memos are written in words; our emails are written in words; our marketing plans are written...
What wins in marketing today? The conventional wisdom is “customer centricity.” As one pundit put it, Connect with customers based on their behavior or...
Edmund Burke’s famous epigram (with a slight revision) illustrates the importance of good marketing in the current primary battles. How can an outsider with...
Many marketing managers overlook a simple principle: In the long run, every category coalesces around two major brands. Cola: Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola. Toothpaste: Crest...
Silly questions. It’s obvious that strategy (the big picture) should dictate tactics (the small details.) Big companies, in particular, believe in strategy first, tactics...
What brand name to use, Most marketing mistakes can be corrected. Not with brand names. Once you’re committed to a brand name, that’s usually...
Decades ago, I was kicked out of a Young Presidents’ Organization seminar for claiming that line extensions were destroying the McDonald’s brand. It’s too...
Music: The magic ingredient to make your television commercials more effective. Did you watch the last episode of Mad Men, especially the ending? As...