A glimpse into the minds of the Positioning Pioneers

  • Peloton goes off track

    The grass always looks greener. We got the ladies, so let’s go after the men. Peloton’s lastest campaign features two active NFL players? NFL...

  • Tesla Master Class: Untap your Brand’s PR-potential

    By Brandtner/Hansen. The master class example of how to squeeze the most out of your brand’s PR potential, is how Elon Musk has been...

  • Tesla dominates the battery electric-vehicle market in America

    by Al Ries. Tesla had 67 percent of the EV market and the other nine electric vehicle brands, in total, had only 33 percent.

  • The seven challenges of Coca-Cola.

    You don’t get to be 126 years old and the world’s most-valuable brand without making some major changes along the way. Over the years,...

  • Peeking inside the mind with Brand Tags

    Captcha boxes are annoying and customers hate them. But companies need them to stop the bad guys. Or do they? Could a branding and...

  • NEW BOOK: Visual Hammer

    My father’s theory on positioning was revolutionary, but it had a weakness. Invariably, positioning strategy was expressed verbally. You looked for a verbal hole...

  • The Secret of Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs was a rebel who didn’t go about life or work in the normal way. He dropped out of college, was a fruitarian...

  • Social Media is a Tactic not a Strategy

    It’s the headline of our times “Brand X Moves to Social Media.” It’s the hottest trend in marketing with executives from the corner offices...

  • Crazy for Consumers? RIM is insane.

    What is RIM doing wrong? Why don’t people appreciate RIM’s BlackBerry brand, profits or growth? Because they are fighting the wrong battle. They are...

  • Redesigning a Brand

    So you want to start a business? You’ve got an idea, you see an opportunity in marketplace and you plan to work hard in...

  • High Fructose Corn Syrup, not so sweet.

    Would a sugar taste as sweet by another name? I say absolutely. Even sweeter. High fructose corn syrup has become public enemy number one...

  • Non-Profit Marketing: Lessons from Kate’s Club

    Too many non-profit leaders think it is either shallow or useless to spend either time or money on branding. Nothing could be further from...

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