The grass always looks greener. We got the ladies, so let’s go after the men. Peloton’s lastest campaign features two active NFL players? NFL...
By Brandtner/Hansen. The master class example of how to squeeze the most out of your brand’s PR potential, is how Elon Musk has been...
by Al Ries. Tesla had 67 percent of the EV market and the other nine electric vehicle brands, in total, had only 33 percent.
You don’t get to be 126 years old and the world’s most-valuable brand without making some major changes along the way. Over the years,...
Captcha boxes are annoying and customers hate them. But companies need them to stop the bad guys. Or do they? Could a branding and...
My father’s theory on positioning was revolutionary, but it had a weakness. Invariably, positioning strategy was expressed verbally. You looked for a verbal hole...
Steve Jobs was a rebel who didn’t go about life or work in the normal way. He dropped out of college, was a fruitarian...
It’s the headline of our times “Brand X Moves to Social Media.” It’s the hottest trend in marketing with executives from the corner offices...
What is RIM doing wrong? Why don’t people appreciate RIM’s BlackBerry brand, profits or growth? Because they are fighting the wrong battle. They are...
So you want to start a business? You’ve got an idea, you see an opportunity in marketplace and you plan to work hard in...
Would a sugar taste as sweet by another name? I say absolutely. Even sweeter. High fructose corn syrup has become public enemy number one...
Too many non-profit leaders think it is either shallow or useless to spend either time or money on branding. Nothing could be further from...